Having designed and specified the building envelope, it is important to ensure that the integrity of the pre-finished steel cladding system is maintained during its handling and fitting on site.
Good site practice should include ensuring a safe working environment, providing suitable training and equipment for all operatives, ensuring the cladding system is handled with care and fitted correctly using appropriate ancillary components.
Having specified the most appropriate pre-finished steel cladding system, it is important to ensure that the integrity of the cladding is maintained once it has been delivered to site. This will help ensure the best long-term performance in use.
Here guidance is provided on the storage and handling of cladding sheets including those delivered with a protective strippable film. There is also a reminder about the requirement to check steelwork tolerances and alignment before installation of the cladding begins.

The integrity and long-term performance of pre-finished steel cladding can be established or compromised by the way it is handled and installed on site.
Here practical advice and guidance is provided to help maintain the integrity of the cladding.
This includes information about the correct cutting of cladding sheets and panels, installing cladding sheets and panels using the correct fixings and positioning of any sealants as well as protecting cut edges and ensuring good junction details using flashings. It is suggested that the information here is used in conjunction with Site Safety, Site Preparation and Inspection at Handover.
Ultimately, the degradation of appearance may reach a stage at which it is no longer acceptable. This is not the end of the functional life of the sheet.
Repaint solutions are available for pre-finished steel roof and wall cladding which can restore their appearance and significantly extend the building life.
When to repaint will depend on the location and circumstances of the building and its owners.

It is important to understand that minor scratches, dents and scuffs could occur during the construction phase. These might happen whilst the cladding panels or profiles are being unpacked, during hoisting, whilst being erected or indeed by others after the cladding works have been completed. Good control of site practices will limit the amount.
Whilst the area affected by the physical damage / paint repair (where applicable) will no longer be covered by the original pre-finished steel guarantee, all areas outside the actual area of repair will continue to be covered.
A dedicated helpline offering advice and guidance on metal envelope design, specification and construction including product and guarantee information. Samples and literature can also be obtained via the helpline.