Highway engineering

Vetex® safety barrier products

Innovative safety barrier systems for modern highways

With over 50 years experience in the safety barrier sector, Tata Steel Construction Products has developed the Vetex road safety barrier range. Tata Steel has the design expertise and engineering skills to develop innovative safety barrier systems for modern highways.

Tata Steel design and manufacture Vetex to comply with the standard BS EN1317. The system is widely recognized as being at the forefront of the industry. Since the launch of Vetex in April 2005, Tata Steel offer superior design features, which not only make the systems extremely safe but also efficient to install, saving money without compromising quality.


Vetex highway barriers in use. Photos taken at the The Queens Way (A4810) Llanwern.
Vetex highway engineering from Tata Steel
Tata Steel construction highway engineering barriers
Vetex® safety fence double sided
manufacture of Vetex safety fence systems
Vetex® safety fence single sided
Product specification
Vetex system range

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Vetex highways restraint systems
Specification details

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex highways restraint systems | Systems application table

Systems application table

Latest systems

ApplicationWorking widthTata Steel systemPost spacing (m)ASI rating
Single sidedW2Vetex N15.0A
Single sidedW1Vetex N22.0A
Single sidedW2Vetex N22.5A
Single sidedW3Vetex N24.0A
Single sidedW4Vetex N25.0A
Single sidedW5Vetex N28.0A
Double sidedW2Vetex N23.0B
Double sided*W2Vetex N23.2B
Double sidedW3Vetex N24.5B
Double sidedW4Vetex N27.5 B
Double sidedW5Vetex N28.0B
P1 End TerminalD1.1Vetex-A
Single sidedW3Vetex H12.0A
Single sidedW4Vetex H22.0B
Single sidedW1Vetex H11.0-3.0B
Single sidedW2Vetex H13.5-2.0B
Single sidedW2Vetex H21.0B
Single sidedW3Vetex H21.5-2.5B

All systems use a 5 metre C501 beam and 130x40 hollow section posts except where indicated*

* uses a C401 4 metre beam

Parapet Transitions

ApplicationTata Steel systemPost spacing (m)
VT50 Parapet TransitionVetex/ Protect 3652.0
VT100 Parapet TransitionVetex/ Protect 3652.0
VT200 Parapet TransitionVetex/ Protect 3652.0


Previous systems

ApplicationWorking widthTata Steel systemPost spacing (m)ASI rating
Single sidedW2Vetex N20.8B*
Single sidedW2Vetex N21.6B*
Single sidedW3Vetex N22.5A
Single sidedW4Vetex N22.0A
Single sidedW5Vetex N25.0A

These are older “Z” post systems.
These systems use a C501 5 metre beam except where indicated

* uses a C401 4 metre beam

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Vetex Safety barrier products
Specification details

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex Safety barrier products | Key features

Key features

Vetex systems are suitable for both high and low speed road applications, where normal containment is required. It is designed to contain average sized vehicles with a mass of 1500kg. This type of barrier is used on motorways, trunk and non-trunk roads, in verges and central reservations. Vetex safety barrier products are fully compliant with the requirements of BS EN 1317.

  • Improved post centres
  • Standard beam across systems (C501 5 metre beam )
  • Standard post option across systems
  • Surface mounted
  • Excavated
  • Socketed
  • Driven
  • Long driven

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex Safety barrier products | Latest Vetex systems

Latest Vetex systems

<table class="table-dimensions" style="width: auto;" width="136"> <thead> <tr> <th><strong>System</strong></th> <th><strong>Application</strong></th> <th>Working width class</th> <th><strong>Post spacing (m)</strong></th> <th><strong>ASI Rating</strong> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>N1</td> <td>Singled sided</td> <td>W2</td> <td>5.0 metre</td> <td>A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>N2</td> <td>Singled sided</td> <td>W1</td> <td>2.0 metre</td> <td>A </td> </tr> <tr> <td>N2</td> <td>Singled sided</td> <td>W2</td> <td>2.5 metre </td> <td>A </td> </tr> <tr> <td>N2</td> <td>Singled sided</td> <td>W3</td> <td>4.0 metre</td> <td>A </td> </tr> <tr> <td>N2</td> <td>Singled sided</td> <td>W4</td> <td>5.0 metre</td> <td>A </td> </tr> <tr> <td>N2</td> <td>Singled sided</td> <td>W5</td> <td>8.0 metre</td> <td>A </td> </tr> <tr> <td>N2</td> <td>Double sided</td> <td>W2</td> <td>3.0* metre</td> <td>B</td> </tr> <tr> <td>N2</td> <td>Double sided</td> <td>W3</td> <td>4.5 metre</td> <td>B </td> </tr> <tr> <td>N2</td> <td>Double sided</td> <td>W4</td> <td>7.5 metre </td> <td>B </td> </tr> <tr> <td>N2</td> <td>Double sided</td> <td>W5</td> <td>8.0 metre</td> <td>B </td> </tr> <tr> <td>H1</td> <td>Singled sided</td> <td>W3</td> <td>2.0 metre</td> <td>A </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div><br/>*Also available as a 3.2 metre centre option using a C401 4 metre beam. </div> <div>All systems are provided as hot dip galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461 and can provide a service life of 20+ years (dependent upon conditions in accordance with specifications for Highways Works Series 400). </div>

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Vetex normal containment
Specification details

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex normal containment | Specification


Innovative, cost effective solution for safety barrier applications

Vetex normal containment (N2) system combines safety performance with installation convenience. Vetex® N2 is an innovative, cost effective solution for safety barrier applications. Normal containment barrier is designed to contain average vehicles, e.g. small and large cars <1500kg etc. This is used on motorways, major roads and minor roads. EN1317 details various performance classes for normal containment barrier.

Vetex® N2 has been designed with collapsible elements to absorb impact energy, assisting safety performance. Vetex® N2 design protects occupants from vehicle crossovers and safely redirects the vehicle back onto the highway.

Many working widths to chose from:

  • Several post spacing options
  • Acceleration Severity Index (ASI) A class on several options
  • Fully compatible with existing UK steel barrier systems
  • Untensioned for quick, easy installation and low maintenance
  • Approved by the Highways Agency

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex normal containment | Application

  • On and off the road, in normal containment risk areas e.g. central reserves, verges and protection from impact with obstructions
  • High speed roads, including motorways, trunk and non-trunk roads
  • New build projects
  • Can be integrated with existing barrier runs: ideal for refurbishment, extensions and maintenance projects

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Vetex high containment
Specification details

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex high containment | Specification


Vetex® Safety barrier – high containment

Vetex high containment highway barrier systems are suitable for both high and low speed road applications. It is designed to contain buses with a mass of 13,000kg and heavy goods vehicles with a mass of 10,000kg. This type of barrier is used on motorways, trunk and non-trunk roads, in verges and central reservations. 

Vetex high containment highway barrier products are fully compliant with the requirements of EN 1317.

Key features:

  • Achieves both H1 & H2 performances by
    changing post centres (VGA422).
  • Standard beams across systems (C501 & C601
    - 5 metre beams, C402 & C604 - 4 metre
  • Standard post across systems - Excavated /


EN-Construction-Product-Vetex high containment | Application


<ul> <li>On and off the road, in high risk areas e.g. bridges, gantries, crossover avoidance and protection from impact with obstructions</li> <li>High speed roads, including motorways, trunk and non-trunk roads</li> <li>New build projects</li> <li>Can be integrated with existing barrier runs; ideal for refurbishment, extensions and maintenance projects</li> </ul>

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex end terminals - P1 End Terminal

P1 End Terminal
Specification details

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex end terminals - P1 End Terminal | Benefits


Cost effective solution for safety barrier applications

End terminals are used to terminate the barrier at the start and end of a barrier run. Vetex End Terminals combine safety performance with installation convenience. They are innovative, cost effective solution for safety barrier applications and are available in P1 and P4 classification.

  • Improved safety performance
  • Installation in only one visit
  • Driven, straight ended detail: ideal for where space is limited
  • Seamless connectivity with existing barriers
  • Suitable for all ground types
  • Approved by the Highways Agency

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex end terminals - P1 End Terminal | Applications


<ul> <li>Vetex® P1 end terminal effectively anchors and terminates barrier runs thus offering a cost effective alternative to existing P1 terminals</li> <li>Straight ended detail enables installation where space is limited</li> <li>Suitable for new build projects</li> <li>Can be integrated with existing barrier runs; ideal for maintenance, repair and refurbishment</li> </ul>

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex end terminals - P1 End Terminal | Expert design and engineering

Expert design and engineering

<ul> <li>Safety is at the heart of Tata Steel Highways safety barrier development. The patented Vetex®  terminals have been engineered to offer a safer alternative to traditional terminals</li> <li>Vetex® terminals have been specifically designed to assist in the redirection of ramped impacts in a safe and controlled way. A discrete, sloping end detail to below ground yields a robust anchorage, while ensuring that key anchorage components do not create a hazard to errant vehicles. The Vetex® design allows a vehicle to mount the terminal smoothly, without snagging, and redirects it onto the ground, giving an improved level of safety for vehicle occupants</li> <li>With Vetex® terminals, vehicle and barrier damge is generally lower than for collapsible mechanisms. Therefore, Vetex® terminals maintain anchorage of the adjacent barrier, which means that the barrier maintains safety performance and can still be effective after impact</li> </ul>

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex end terminals | Specifications


<table class="table-dimensions" style="width: auto;" width="136"> <thead> <tr><th>Performance class</th><th>P1</th><th>P4</th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>EN 1317 accredited</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ASI rating</td> <td>A</td> <td>A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Deflection rating</td> <td>x1, y1</td> <td>x1, y1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Velocity mph (km/h)</td> <td>50* (80)</td> <td>70 (80)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Installed length (m)</td> <td>12</td> <td>16</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

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Vetex P4 energy absorbing terminal
Specification details

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex P4 energy absorbing terminal | Key features

Key features

The Vetex P4 energy absorbing terminal offers improved efficiency in installation and is 100% UK designed, tested and manufactured.

This innovative, short, narrow and light-weight design provides full P4 performance with single and double sided barriers in a simple kit which minimises installation time and maximises efficiency. It has been impact tested to DD ENV 1317-4:2002 Performance Class P4.

  • Terminal length 8.25m
  • Terminal length to Vetex 9.5m
  • Maximum head width 0.3m
  • Component lengths less than 5.0m

EN-Construction-Product-Vetex P4 energy absorbing terminal | Finishes


<p>All systems are provided as hot dip galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461 and can provide a service life of 20+ years (dependent upon conditions in accordance with specifications for Highways Works Series 400). Please refer to our Vetex P4 energy absorbing terminal installation, maintenance and repair manual for further information.</p>