Riviera Shopping Outlet, Poland using Colorcoat Prisma
Scope of the Confidex® Guarantee
Scope of the Confidex® Guarantee

The Confidex® Guarantee

For over 30 years the Confidex® Guarantee from Tata Steel has remained best in class. Confidex® is the product performance guarantee for Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® and Colorcoat Prisma®, when used in an external conventional building envelope application namely roof and wall cladding using single skin, built-up or composite panel construction in industrial and commercial buildings. Confidex® offers the most comprehensive guarantee for pre-finished steel in Europe.

The Confidex® Guarantee for Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® and Colorcoat Prisma® has been extended to include cover for areas that are situated under photovoltaic (PV) frame modules*. Providing the building owner with the confidence that installing a PV array will not have a detrimental effect on the performance of the pre-finished steel, and that the entire roof or wall is guaranteed to perform for the same duration of up to 40 years.

Due to the superior aesthetic properties of Colorcoat Prisma® a colour guarantee is uniquely included as part of the Confidex® Guarantee for up to 20 years (see terms and conditions). This includes all 29 standard colours in the range, subject to location and use.

Registering the Confidex® Guarantee provides you with a direct link to Tata Steel. In the unlikely event of a coating failure during the guarantee period, many years down the line, we can be contacted directly independently of the contractual chain.

Confidex® covers the building roof and wall flashings together with the main roof and wall cladding, if manufactured from Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® or Colorcoat Prisma® and are registered for at the same time.

*Colorcoat Prisma® Element colours are excluded from PV installations.

Confidex Chain EN
Confidex® for Colorcoat Prisma®
Confidex® for Colorcoat Prisma®

Colorcoat Prisma® is available with the market leading Confidex® Guarantee.

Confidex® is the product performance guarantee for Colorcoat Prisma®, when used in an external conventional building envelope application namely roof and wall cladding using single skin, built-up or composite panel construction in industrial and commercial buildings.

Confidex® offers the most comprehensive guarantee for pre-finished steel available in Europe with Colorcoat Prisma® being guaranteed for up to 40 years.

The Confidex® Guarantee is project specific and upon registration provides a contractual relationship between Tata Steel and the building owner meaning that in the case of a claim the contact with Tata Steel is direct rather than having to go through the supply chain, saving time and money.

Due to the superior aesthetic properties of Colorcoat Prisma® a colour guarantee is uniquely included as part of the Confidex® Guarantee for up to 20 years (see terms and conditions). This includes all 29 standard colours in the range, subject to location and use.

The Confidex® Guarantee is transferable, so should the building owner change it is simply a case of filling in the form on the back of the guarantee certificate and posting back to Tata Steel.

Colorcoat Prisma Years EN


1. Figures under the Coastal heading are for buildings within 1km of any coast.
2. Full terms and conditions of the Confidex® Guarantee are on the online registration form.
3. Confidex® must be registered within 3 months of the building completion date for the guarantee to be valid.
4. The Confidex® Guarantee periods on the diagram above are applicable to Zone 1 and Zone 2.

Confidex Guarantee map
Confidex® for Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra®
Confidex® for Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra®

Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® and the Confidex® Guarantee.

For over 30 years the Confidex® Guarantee from Tata Steel has remained best in class. Confidex® is the product performance guarantee for Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra®, when used in an external conventional building envelope application namely roof and wall cladding using single skin, built-up or composite panel construction in industrial and commercial buildings. Confidex® offers the most comprehensive guarantee for pre-finished steel in Europe.

Key features

The Confidex® Guarantee is clear and simple and unlike many other guarantees, offers full remedial action in the unlikely event of coating failure.

Key features include:

  • Extended guarantee cover for up to 40 years on Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® and Colorcoat Prisma®.
  • Factory cut edges covered for the entirety of the guarantee period.
  • No requirement for any inspections or maintenance to validate the guarantee except when Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® is used on a roof that has a Photovoltaic (PV) installation.Backed by years of worldwide product testing.
  • Provides cover for roof pitches down to 1° and no distinction between different roof pitches above that.
  • Offered directly to the building owner and provides a contractual relationship between Tata Steel and the building owner.
  • Is fully transferable should building ownership change.
  • Helps reduce the level of risk for each part of the supply chain.
  • Quick and simple online registration form.
  • Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® can be used under Photovoltaic (PV) frame modules with no reduction in guarantee length ensuring all parts of the roof are covered for the same duration of the Confidex® Guarantee.

Benefits of Confidex® registration
Usually the building owner, cladding contractor or the cladding system manufacturer can apply for the Confidex® Guarantee. In the unlikely event of a coating failure, we can be contacted directly and independently of the contractual supply chain. In the ‘worst case’ scenario elements of the contractual chain may no longer be in existence making a complaint difficult or even impossible to pursue without the direct link to Tata Steel.

Other warranties
Whilst Confidex® has always been restricted to the weathering performance of the external cladding, we have recognised the growing emergence of demanding internal environment projects, such as energy from waste plants, and may offer a non-Confidex® warranty on a case by case basis for Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® used internally. Application specific warranties are also available for non-standard cladding applications; i.e residential roofs, flashings and sectional roller shutter doors etc.

Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra Confidex Years EN


  1. Figures under the Coastal heading are for buildings within 1km of any coast.
  2. Full terms and conditions of the Confidex® Guarantee are on the online application form, available from www.colorcoat-online.com/registration
  3. Confidex® must be registered within 3 months of the building completion date for the guarantee to be valid.
  4. The Confidex® Guarantee periods on the diagram above are applicable to Zone 1 and Zone 2. For more information visit  www.colorcoat-online.com/confidexmap
  5. Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® Anthracite Matt is available with a Confidex® Guarantee of up to 40 years in Zone 1 and up to 30 years in Zone 2.
Confidex Guarantee map
Understanding guarantees
Understanding guarantees

Understanding the terms in your guarantee.

Although headline figures may sound the same not all building guarantees are created equal. It is important to understand what the terms and conditions of the guarantee means particularly when it comes to the Confidex® Guarantee.

A written guarantee, such as Confidex®, provides a legally binding contract between the manufacturer of the product and the recipient. Guarantees are validated by registration and the certificate will detail the scope of the guarantee and remedial action to be taken in the event of product failure.

'Confidex Guarantee Period'
The durability of Colorcoat HPS200® Ultra and Colorcoat Prisma® is defined in terms of the Confidex® Guarantee Period. This is the minimum length of time before the building owner needs to consider over-painting the cladding, either to upgrade the appearance or extend the overall performance.

'Functional performance of a building'
The functional lifetime of pre-finished steel is the timespan over which the material will perform as a weatherproof membrane, if maintained in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations. This will vary, depending on environmental conditions such as air pollution, proximity to the sea and Ultraviolet radiation. 

'Performance statement'
This gives guidelines on the expected durability of a product under normal conditions but does not guarantee the performance beyond statutory obligations.

'Minimum 'Period to Re-paint Decision' (PRD)
Tata Steel defines the durability of pre-finished steel in terms of the 'Minimum Period to Re-paint Decision' (PRD). This is the minimum length of time before the building owner needs to consider over-painting the cladding, either to upgrade the aesthetics or extend the overall performance. Over-painting using an appropriate solution will extend the lifetime by 10 years or more.

Questions to ask your guarantee provider
Questions to ask your guarantee provider

When specifying a building product that comes with a guarantee you need to ask a number of key questions to the supplier.

Things such as does rectification cover all material and labour costs and is this applicable for the full term of the guarantee? Is the performance location dependent? Are cut-edges covered? Is the guarantee transferable? Plus many more.

Does rectification cover all material and labour costs and is this applicable for the full term of the guarantee?
Some guarantees limit the value of any repair to a proportion of the original invoice value of the pre-finished steel product only (not the whole system). In many cases, this value diminishes over time, meaning any repairs could cost well over and above any compensation offered by the guarantee.

Reassuring to know – Confidex® offers full remedial action in the unlikely event of coating failure so all rectification costs are covered.

Is the performance location dependent?
Many product guarantees make a number of distinctions between Inland and Coastal locations, with some including further definitions of marine, industrial or similar, with Coastal anything up to 3km from the nearest body of water. This can often result in the final guarantee offering being far below the ‘headline years’ figure initially advertised.

Reassuring to know - Confidex® offers a simple to understand definition of Coastal, as anything within 1km of the sea, or saltwater estuary, with clear tables showing the exact offering for each product and Inland or Coastal location. 

Does the orientation of the elevations affect the duration of the guarantee period?
Some guarantees have a reduced headline figure, based upon the building orientation (e.g. north and south elevations).

Reassuring to know - Confidex® is not orientation dependent.

What roof pitch is covered?
A higher roof pitch helps the drainage of water and so some manufacturer guarantees may not cover any roof pitch below 6°.

Reassuring to know - Confidex® covers roof pitches down to 1°.

Is the guarantee valid and without mandatory recorded maintenance?
Some guarantees have very rigid invalidatory clauses regarding proof of annual inspections despite claiming to be maintenance free.

Reassuring to know - Confidex® does not specify mandatory annual inspections or maintenance to maintain the validity (except in the case of photovoltaic installations).

Are cut-edges covered?
Deterioration in any pre-finished steel product will normally start at the cut-edge. Some guarantees offer only 10 years of cover for the cut-edge, while others exclude it altogether.

Reassuring to know – Confidex® covers factory cut-edges <1.0mm  throughout the full term of the guarantee.

Is the guarantee transferable?
The ownership of a building can change. Whilst many guarantees are not to the building owner, some also have time limits on transfer if the beneficiary (normally the direct customer) changes.

Reassuring to know - Confidex® is fully transferable by completing a simple form.

What responsibility is left with the supply chain?
Many product guarantees are issued via the supply chain, meaning an Cladding Installer or Contractor could be responsible for any failure for the lifetime of the guarantee, should they no longer be able to make a claim on their direct supplier in the event of any issues.

Reassuring to know - Confidex® is a direct product guarantee between Tata Steel and the registered Building Owner, allowing the owner to make a claim directly with Tata Steel in the unlikely event of any coating failure.

Are flashings covered with the guarantee? 
Not all product guarantees cover all elements of the building. An example is flashings which are often excluded from a guarantee.

Reassuring to know – Confidex® covers the building roof and wall flashings together with the main roof and wall cladding, if manufactured from Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® or Colorcoat Prisma® and are registered for at the same time

Can I install Photovoltaic (PV) Modules?
Some guarantees restrict the use of PV modules, reducing the lifetime, or even voiding the guarantee altogether where PVs have been fitted to the pre-finished steel products.

Reassuring to know – All Confidex® Guarantees include a Photovoltaic (PV) Addendum, allowing for the installation of frame mounted PV panels at any point during the lifespan of the guarantee. The PV Addendum outlines the extra steps that the Building Owner should take to ensure the area underneath the PV modules is kept clean and ensure the pre-finished steel remains in the very best condition.

Does the Confidex® Guarantee cover private residential properties?
As the Confidex® Guarantee is a Business-to-Business Guarantee, it is available on Industrial and Commercial projects only and does not cover private residential properties (such as single-residential dwellings, garages, outbuildings etc).

Reassuring to know –  Confidex® Home is the performance guarantee for Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® and Colorcoat Prisma®, when used as part of a standing seam roof or wall cladding system for residential dwellings in the UK and Ireland.

Designed to provide homeowners and builders with added peace of mind, the Confidex® Home Guarantee, is valid for 25 years, providing assurance of the building material’s performance.

The Confidex® Home Guarantee is available from 4 Supply Chain Partners – Catnic® Urban, Euroclad Group, Euro Quality Cladding and Vertix Systems. 

Register the Confidex® Guarantee
Register the Confidex® Guarantee

The Confidex® Guarantee provides you with a direct link to Tata Steel.

Please complete the online form to register the Confidex® Guarantee for Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® and Colorcoat Prisma®.

Confidex® must be registered within 3 months of the building completion date for the guarantee to be valid.



Confidex Sustain®
Confidex Sustain®

A combined guarantee that covers the durability of the Colorcoat® pre-finished steel product and makes the pre-finished steel building envelope CarbonNeutral - the first in the world. 

Tata Steel is able to offer Confidex Sustain® zero carbon building envelope systems because we have full traceability and composition information for all elements of the pre-finished steel and cladding system.

Unavoidable CO2 emissions from the pre-finished steel cladding system including fixings and insulation are measured from cradle to cradle and the impact offset. Available when Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® and Colorcoat Prisma® are specified as part of a Colorcoat® assessed cladding system, Confidex Sustain® is about more than just off-setting. Our aim is to encourage specification of the most sustainable pre-finished steel products and cladding systems.


  • Assesses the environmental impact of the pre-finished steel cladding system from cradle to cradle.
  • Covers the whole pre-finished steel cladding system, not just one element.
  • Tangibly demonstrates the construction supply chain’s commitment to sustainability by specifying the first CarbonNeutral building envelope in the world.
  • Provides peace of mind for the supply chain in the specification of the most sustainable pre-finished steel products and cladding systems available.
  • Provides an important source of differentiation for designers and building owners as more people select climate friendly brands and products.
  • Offered by Tata Steel who has an excellent track record for developing well researched, robust and credible products and services, which deliver peace of mind and real benefit for the supply chain.

Key Features

  • Offsets the unavoidable CO2 emissions associated with the pre-finished steel, cladding system, insulation and fixings.
  • Includes emissions from the pre-finished steel cladding system during manufacture, installation, use and end of life i.e. cradle to cradle.
  • Backed by a robust, reliable and fully traceable process for investing in climate friendly projects underpinned by the CarbonNeutral Protocol.
  • Does not need to be passed along or traded within the supply chain to secure the benefits of zero carbon.
  • Provides a direct link between Tata Steel and the client, who will be the main beneficiary of the CarbonNeutral building envelope.
  • Simple to register for, applications can be made at project design stage.

Applying for Confidex Sustain®

To benefit from the Confidex Sustain® zero carbon building envelope, building projects will need to:

  • Ensure Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® and/or Colorcoat Prisma® pre-finished steel products are specified for exterior of roof and walls.
  • Ensure Colorcoat® PE 15 liner is specified for interior of roof and walls.
  • Use a Colorcoat® assessed cladding system. Click here for details of the systems Confidex Sustain® is available with.

Applications should be made at the start of the building project. Please refer to the Colorcoat Connection® helpline for how to apply for Confidex Sustain®

Once the building has been completed, the building owner/occupier will receive a Confidex Sustain® certificate with details of how much carbon has been off-set and the types of project Tata Steel is investing in. This certificate will also provide the normal Confidex® Guarantee cover for the pre-finished steel.

Colorcoat Connection Helpline