Our packaging steel products are made for a diverse range of applications:
- Aerosols: including including deodorant, shaving foam, gels and spray paint
- Food cans: for everything from meat, fish, soups and oils to coffee and milk
- Beverage cans: for consistent carbonation, delivering the refreshing fizzyness that consumers expect
- Paints: the most reliable material for paints and chemicals due to its specific material characteristics
- Promotional packaging: for premium and luxury products such as perfume, spirits and chocolates
Interested in improving canmaking efficiency? Find out more about the benefits of moving to Protact® for your application:

Our applications:
EN-Packaging-Applications-Promotional TSE
EN-Packaging-Applications-Paint TSE
Paint and industrial
EN-Packaging-Contact TSE
Trostre Works
SA14 9SD
United Kingdom