We produce quick lime, other size grades and ground limestone in flexible quantities at short notice.
As Britain’s most northerly lime producer we can supply to the north of the UK at competitive prices.
Unrivaled service - We offer a flexible and responsive service, accommodating short notice orders and cancellations, 24/7 loading facilities.
Our location just off the M6 and the west coast mainline combined with our flexible production rates allow fast low cost delivery in bags (ton/half ton) or bulk by road or rail.
Agri-lime - Our agri lime is a natural ground limestone that can be added to soil to promotes growth and increase the efficiency of other fertilisers.
Download our Agri-lime datasheet, which can be found in the 'Downloads' section below, for further details.

Tata Steel's limestone quarry and lime kilns, located in Cumbria, have been producing quicklime and limestone products of the highest quality since 1962.
Our offering
High quality operation and products: Our production is quality assured to ISO 9001, guaranteeing traceability and consistency. We supply quicklime to a high quality for ground stabilisation. Specifications for our other lime and limestone products are available under downloads.
Responsive customer service: We can accommodate short notice orders and cancellations, as our quicklime can be produced at highly flexible rates.
Flexible loading facilities: Loading is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Low cost delivery options: We can deliver to the north of the country at unrivalled prices, as we are ideally situated adjacent to the M6 motorway and the A6, and also have rail loading facilities.
Flexible quantities: We can bag quicklime in half ton and ton bags or whole tankers.
Please contact us with your specific requirements. You can find details on how to get in touch with us in 'Contact Us' below.
EN-SpecialityBUs-Shapfell-Datasheet-Agri lime
Shapfell - Agri lime datasheet
EN-SpecialityBUs-Shapfell-Datasheet- Fine lime 5mm FLP 60
Shapfell - Fine lime -5mm (FLP 60) datasheet
EN-SpecialityBUs-Shapfell-Datasheet- Fine lime -2mm FLP
Shapfell - Fine lime -2mm datasheet
EN-SpecialityBUs-Shapfell-Datasheet- Ground Burnt lime
Shapfell - Ground Burnt lime datasheet
EN-SpecialityBUs-Shapfell-Datasheet- BOS lime
Shapfell - BOS lime datasheet
EN-Operations-Shapfell-Directions to Shapfell Works
Directions to Shapfell Works
Shapfell supplies Agri-lime to the agricultural sector over a widespread area from Lancashire to Perthshire. Supply is direct to farmers or via contractors who supply and spread, or through farmers buyer groups and co-operatives.
We supply on a year round basis with many of our customers stockpiling material over the winter months in readiness for the Spring spreading season. Material is stored under cover and is available on a 24/7 basis, either ex works or delivered. Product benefits:
- Maximises yields and nutrient availability. Our lime is ideal to achieve root and plant development –a pH6.5 is considered to be ideal for grass/clover.
- Improved soil structure & reduces erosion. Balances soil acidity –soil testing is available often via agronomists and feed/fertiliser suppliers
- Maximises efficiency of fertilisers, providing a cost saving on this expensive input
- Decreases nutrient loss through leaching, high water levels can drastically affect the pH.

EN-Speciality BUs-Contact-Shapfell lime raw materials
Tata Steel
Shap, Penrith
Cumbria, CA10 3QG
United Kingdom