Tata Steel and its suppliers are interdependent and we recognise that mutually beneficial relationships enhance the ability of both to create value to our end customers, society and our investors.
Tata Steel UK spends billions of pounds each year on goods and services to support its steelmaking, processing, and distribution operations world wide. Procurement objectives are dominated by ensuring the best value for the company, whilst ensuring security of supply. To meet company needs, procurement is organised to work with operations across the company, with a central purchasing team for raw materials & shipping and lead buyers for alloys, refractories, rolls, metals, IT and bulk gases.
Other categories, including scrap, goods and services, are co-ordinated across the procurement network where there are points of overlap and value can be created. Complementing the category organisation, procurement teams are also organised geographically to support all the business operations across the world.

Committed to following principles of fair practices and business ethics, Tata Steel has adopted the Tata Code of Conduct which lays down the principles and standards to govern the actions of the Company and the employees.
Tata Steel seeks to work with contractors, suppliers and third parties who adhere to the Tata Steel Code of Conduct and standards derived therefrom. For the practical application of the Tata Steel Code of Conduct and applicable standards a number of relevant policies and standards have been formulated and implemented. These documents can be download from the document section.
In addition to our own internal processes and reviews, suppliers and employees are encouraged to use our Confidential Reporting system, Integrity Line, to report any concerns they may have. Integrity Line is an independently run service which allows both employees and suppliers to report confidentially (and anonymously if they prefer) any concerns they have about compliance, unethical behaviour, breach of HR policy, breach of health and safety rules and other aspects of how we operate. We encourage anyone to report in good faith any issues or concerns. Any reported concerns are investigated thoroughly; the number of confidential helpline calls received is monitored and reported to the Audit Committee of Tata Steel.
The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires certain businesses to publish a statement setting out the steps taken in the previous financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in their supply chains or own business.
EN-Corporate Governance-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for Tata Steel UK Limited
Slavery and human trafficking statement
EN-Corporate Governance-Modern Slavery Policy-Tata Steel UK
Tata Steel UK's modern slavery policy
In Tata Steel’s procure to pay process there is a possibility for Suppliers to register for self-billing.
In order to gain access to the self-billing application and you are based in the UK a course needs to be taken and completed successfully. Click here to take the test. If you are based outside the UK please send a request for access per e-mail. If you have any questions or require support on self-billing please call +44 (0) 370 333 1898.
When the test has been completed successfully the certificate needs to be sent to adminariba@tatasteeleurope.com. Within 5-10 working days login credentials will be provided for the self-billing application to be accessed via the Tata Steel Internet Business Gateway.
If you are already registered for self billing please use the login credentials you received.

Tata Steel uses an internet-based system to (pre-)qualify suppliers for upcoming procurement events.
This system is part of the internal process Tata Steel uses to (pre and or re-) qualify suppliers to participate in upcoming procurement.
Registration through Tata Steel’s vendor qualification process does not guarantee any business with Tata Steel or any of it’s subsidiaries.
The vendor qualification system is operated by SAP Ariba who will assist suppliers with registration and provide on-going support. Registration on the SAP Ariba network does not come with any costs.
Registration is by invitation only. You will be invited to register in our vendor qualification system if your company is being considered for a potential contract or is renewing a current contract with Tata Steel.
If you are already registered in SAP Ariba for one of your other customers, please log in using Tata Steel's login credentials.
Find out more on the SAP Ariba tool in the documentation below.
Health & Safety on Tata Steel's sites
We are committed to delivering steel responsibly and safely, preventing harm to our employees, contractors, local communities and the environment.
For more information with regards to safety, safety rules, regulations, guidelines and standards please visit our Health & Safety website.

Before a supplier or contractor is allowed on Tata Steel's premises the supplier or contractor needs to obtain a company identification number.
The Site Access Instruction comprises a digital presentation with information that is important for being granted access to the Tata Steel Site and for enhancing safety.
After the presentation, a test is to be taken to ensure that the information is properly absorbed and that the site can safely be entered. When the test is passed successfully, access authorisation is granted, which is valid for three years for contractors, while the validity is one year for subcontractors.
Daily passes are issued to visitors for the duration of their visit.
For more information on how to obtain a company identification number visit our Health & Safety website.
Policies and statements
Tata Steel Code of Conduct
Tata Steel UK responsible sourcing policy
Tata Steel UK modern slavery policy
Tata Steel UK supplier code of conduct
Confidential reporting policy
CSR Statement on materials from conflict zones
Slavery and Human Trafficing statement for Tata Steel UK
General terms and conditions Procurement
Purchase terms for the purchase of goods and services Tata Steel UK Ltd.
CC1 General conditions of contract for use in the procurement and erection of plant at site in the UK
CC7 General conditions of contract for the hire of plant with or without an operator
CC8 General conditions of sale for used, redundant, surplus and miscellaneous goods
CC12 General conditions for contracts of services with transport operators
General terms and conditions of purchase - Catnic (France)

Recruiting for roles in our Procurement team.
Our Procurement professionals manage our external spend with a global network of over 5,000 partners and suppliers. Interested in joining our team? Click below to see available roles.
Have a question? We’d love to hear from you.
Contact Tata Steel's Sourcing and contract specialists via the email addresses below.