Our portfolio includes the following product lines


EN-Product-Hot-rolled HOMEPAGE TSUK

Hot-rolled steel

Hot-rolled steel offers high quality, consistency in use and value.

Our hot-rolled strip steel range includes forming and high-strength, advanced and ultra high-strength steels.  All are specially designed for components requiring higher thickness and durability within chassis, suspension and wheel systems.

Abrasion resistant wear steel

EN-Product-Cold-rolled HOMEPAGE TSUK

Cold-rolled steel

Tata Steel UK no longer produces cold-rolled annealed wide coil. However customers can still purchase cold-rolled products through our service centre network or from Tata Steel Nederland.

Cold-rolled coil
Metallic coated

EN-Product-Metallic coated HOMEPAGE TSUK

Metallic coated steel

Tata Steel offers a wide choice of metallic coated steel. Our product range includes forming and structural grades, and high-strength and advanced high-strength steels. Our steels deliver benefits including weight savings and improved component performance.

Metallic coated coil
Pre-finished steel
Packaging steel

EN-Packaging-Product-HUB TSUK

Packaging steel

As one of Europe’s leading suppliers of high quality packaging steels, we work closely with our business partners to increase value along the entire supply chain.


Can made using packaging steel tinplate from Tata Steel
Electrical steel

EN-Product-Electrical steel HOMEPAGE TSUK

Electrical steel

Surahammars Bruk, a Tata Steel enterprise, offers a comprehensive range of electrical steel grades and services for manufacturers and designers of low carbon vehicles, which includes our Hi-Lite ultra-thin gauge programme for high performance EVs.

Porsche taycan
Construction systems
Construction systems

We offer a broad range of innovative and sustainable construction products and systems into building and infrastructure applications.
Our portfolio includes:

london-floor-(2)-NEW comflor 80 structural decking tata steel construction

Spotlight on our key products


EN-Construction-Product-Celsius hot finished hollow sections TSUK

Celsius® hot finished hollow sections

Celsius® is our range of fully normalized hot finished hollow sections to EN 10210.

Celsius® is the ultimate hot finished structural hollow section. Designed to perform in the most arduous conditions, the Celsius® range have outstanding properties thanks to their fully normalized steel.

Celsius® is available in a range of grades, including the popular S355NH and weight-saving high strength S460NH. The size range available for Celsius® is one of the broadest on the market

Tata Steel structural hollow sections in construction
Tata Steel structural hollow sections in construction
Tata Steel structural hollow sections in construction
Tata Steel structural hollow sections in construction

EN-Engineering-Key Products-MagiZinc TSUK


MagiZinc® is an innovative replacement for conventional galvanised steels. It provides superior corrosion protection even in harsh environments to extend product life and offering excellent formability and weldability. 

Suitable for a wide range of indoor and outdoor applications, it can be used to reduce coating weight or extend product life. This means less use of valuable resources and reduced environmental impact.

Component containing a MagiZinc coating

EN-Packaging-Product-Protact TSUK


Protact laminated steel is food-safe and optimised for efficient, sustainable canmaking with opportunities for differentiated brand performance. It is a proven material solution across a number of high-performance canmaking applications and formats.


Products by sector

Tata Steel UK
Construction products

What makes us different is our approach to business. We believe our strength is how we build collaborative relationships that create new successes for our customers.

Taking a proactive approach, we are unique in sharing our deep knowledge of steel, advising on how to best use our construction products with designs tailored to meet clients requirements from energy efficiency to longevity

Dubai Marina
Tata Steel UK
Engineering products

Meeting your needs with our comprehensive range of high-quality strip products

Whatever your needs, we’re ready to support you with our hot-rolled, cold-rolled, hot-dip galvanized and pre-finished steels, speciality and hot and cold formed tubes and electrical steels.

Learn more here or get in contact with us to see how we can have a positive impact on your market success.

Engineering coil
Tata Steel UK
Automotive products

Our automotive product portfolio of strip and processed steels ranges from electro-plated steels for batteries and fuel cells, to electrical steels for highly efficient e-motors, and structural steels for passenger and battery protection.

Combined with our engineering support, we are helping the car industry to take the next step in mobility.

Automotive components made using metallic coated steel.
Tata Steel UK
Packaging products

Tata Steel offers an extensive range of high-quality packaging steels in various widths, gauges and coatings.

Our range includes tinplate, tin-free steels (ECCS), blackplate, and our market-leading Protact® laminated steel.

We are also a leading supplier of special grades and finishes for requirements including easy-open end applications and promotional packaging. Our packaging steels meet all your needs for strength, surface finish and forming properties and are tailored to suit your production processes and end-uses.

We offer technical expertise and customer support to help you:

  • optimize the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your production processes - for less spoilage and fewer rejects
  • create even more efficient product designs and improve pack performance
  • bring packaging solutions to market faster
Protact cans