23 March 2022
Corporate News

Tata Steel and Bessemer Society support innovative solutions for UK industry and manufacturing

Tata Steel is again supporting the Bessemer Society, as its sole metals industry sponsor.

The Bessemer Society is a UK-based group which brings together entrepreneurs, academics, UK Government funding bodies and investors to encourage 'hard-tech' innovation for the benefit of the UK future economy. The scope of interest is vast, covering novel decarbonisation and renewable energy technologies, new medical sensing developments, new materials systems, quantum electronics breakthrough devices, and much more. 

The sponsorship is a good fit for Tata Steel, with the Bessemer Society being named after the nineteenth century steel inventor and entrepreneur, Sir Henry Bessemer whose  breakthrough innovation in 1856 enabled the first cost-efficient process for the mass manufacturing of steel. Tata Steel’s basic oxygen steelmaking plant is a direct descendant of his pioneering work.
Dr Sumitesh Das, Director of Tata Steel's UK R&D group, said: “We are proud to step forward to sponsor the Bessemer Society and its activity programme - in fact this is very much a 'win-win' for us as the novel, emerging technologies which the society brings to the fore include many innovations which could play a vital role in our journey to 'net zero steelmaking' in the UK.

“The society is helping bring together UK innovators focused on developing the industrial and manufacturing megatrends which will drive the country forward – these could well form part of our journey too.”

Alex Stewart, Founder and Convenor of the Bessemer Society, said: “On behalf of the society and its members, I am delighted to welcome Tata Steel into our ranks and I look forward to a very vibrant engagement as the UK transitions to its decarbonised and sustainable future industrial base, in which Tata Steel will be a key player.”

Tata Steel Europe

Bessemer Society


For further information: Damien Brook on +44 (0)7951989490 or damien.brook@tatasteeleurope.com

About Tata Steel’s UK operations

Tata Steel is the largest steelmaker in the UK with primary steelmaking at Port Talbot in South Wales supporting manufacturing and distribution operations at sites across Wales, England and Northern Ireland as well as Norway and Sweden. Tata Steel employs more than 8,000 people and has an annual crude steel capacity of 5 million tonnes. The company supplies high-quality steel products to demanding markets, including construction and infrastructure, automotive, packaging and engineering. Tata Steel in the UK has the ambition to produce net-zero steel by 2050 at the latest and to have reduced 30% of CO2 emissions by 2030. The Tata Steel group is among the top global steel companies with an annual crude steel capacity of 34 million tonnes. It is one of the world's most geographically-diversified steel producers, with operations and a commercial presence across the world. The group recorded a consolidated turnover of US $21.06 billion in the financial year ending 31 March, 2021

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