Meeting your needs with our comprehensive range of high-quality products.
You may be looking for metallic coated sheet such as MagiZinc®. You can find out more about these products to meet your needs here.
You can also find information here about our Celsius® and Hybox® tubes products.
Whatever your needs, we’re ready to support you with our hot-rolled, cold-rolled and direct-rolled steels, hot-dip galvanised and pre-finished steels, hot and cold formed tubes and electrical steels.
Learn more here or get in contact with us to see how we can have a positive impact on your market success.
Spotlight on our key products
EN_US-Engineering-Key Products-MagiZinc TSUK
MagiZinc® is an innovative replacement for conventional galvanized steels. It provides superior corrosion protection even in harsh environments to extend product life and offering excellent formability and weldability.
Suitable for a wide range of indoor and outdoor applications, it can be used to reduce coating weight or extend product life. This means less use of valuable resources and reduced environmental impact.

Our Engineering portfolio includes the following product lines:
EN_US-Product-Cold-rolled HOMEPAGE TSUK
Tata Steel UK no longer produces cold-rolled annealed wide coil. However customers can still purchase cold-rolled products through our service centre network or from Tata Steel Nederland.

EN_US-Product-Metallic coated HOMEPAGE TSUK
Tata Steel offers a wide choice of metallic coated steel. Our product line comprises forming and structural grades and high-strength and advanced high-strength steels. Our steels deliver benefits including weight savings and improved component performance.

EN_US-Product-Electrical steel HOMEPAGE TSUK
Surahammars Bruk, a Tata Steel enterprise, offers a comprehensive range of electrical steel grades and services for manufacturers and designers of low carbon vehicles, which includes our Hi-Lite ultra-thin gauge programme for high performance EVs.

Our range of both hot finished and cold formed structural hollow sections is one of the broadest available.

To help you improve and grow your business, our Customer Technical Services offer technical consultancy and hands-on support tuned to your needs and ambitions. Working with you, we can help you exploit Tata Steel’s advanced products to maximize your operating window, save you time and money, improve and expand your market offer and identify new business opportunities.
Tailored to your business
Our Customer Technical Services (CTS) team works closely with you to understand your business. Using our in-depth knowledge of steel grades and customer processes, we take a proactive approach to support - tailoring product and process solutions to suit your operations and markets.
Working in your interest
When you succeed, we do too! We will always work openly and transparently in your interest. Working in partnership with you, our qualified and experienced engineers, chemists, metallurgists and production specialists are here to share their knowledge and serve your needs.
World-class resources
Focused on quality, our Customer Technical Services are part of a range of Tata Steel services. These services complement a broad portfolio of products proven in demanding markets worldwide including automotive, construction, heavy vehicles, and packaging. CTS is backed by world-class Research and Development (R&D).
Case studies
Find out more about how Tata Steel helps customers to be successful in their markets. Read our case studies here

EN_US-Tata Steel in the USA and Canada
Tata Steel in the USA and Canada
Chicago office
475 N. Martingale Road, Suite 330
Schaumburg, IL 60173
United States