Colorcoat Connection® helpline
In North America and Mexico please contact:
T: +1 945-321-2279
<a href=/en-US/products/hot-rolled/forming>Hot-rolled steel for cold forming is used for bending and deep drawingin a wide range of application...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/hot-rolled/high-strength-steel>Tata Steel’s hot-rolled high-strength, low-alloy (HSLA) grades offer formability and strength for ...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/hot-rolled/ahss-uhss>Tata Steel’s range of versatile hot-rolled advanced and ultra high-strength steels has been develo...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/hot-rolled/structural-steel>The guaranteed strength and good weldability of our hot-rolled structural steel help ensure ease of ...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/hot-rolled>Hot-rolled steel offers performance, versatility and value.
<a href=/en-US/products/cold-rolled>Tata Steel UK no longer produces cold-rolled annealed wide coil. However customers can still purchas...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/metallic-coated/steel-for-forming>Our cold-rolled forming steels are available in a wide range of grades and corrosion-resistant coati...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/metallic-coated/high-strength-steel>Our range of metallic coated high-strength steels includes micro-alloyed and bake-hardening grades. ...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/metallic-coated/advanced-and-ultra-high-strength-steel>Dual-phase steels are an AHSS steel that combine high yield strength with good ductility – ensurin...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/metallic-coated/structural-steel>Tata Steel’s metallic coated structural steel is suitable for a wide range of applications.For exc...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/metallic-coated>Tata Steel offers a wide choice of metallic coated steel.Our product line comprises forming and stru...</a>
<a href=/en-US/packaging/products/tinplate>We supply a wide range of proven tinplate products for applications including DWI cans, easy-open en...</a>
<a href=/en-US/packaging/products/protact>Protactlaminated steel is food-safe and optimised for efficient, sustainable canmaking with opportun...</a>
<a href=/en-US/packaging/products/eccs>Well-proven in a range of applications, our tin-free packaging steel (ECCS) delivers reliable qualit...</a>
<a href=/en-US/packaging>We make steel for packaging. Our specialist steels are designed for food and drinks cans, aerosols, ...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/products/coil-flat-sheet/prefinished-steel-cladding-row/colorcoat-hps200-ultra>Super durable.Designed to withstand even the most demanding and aggressive environments, Colorcoat H...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/products/coil-flat-sheet/prefinished-steel-cladding-row/colorcoat-prisma>Aesthetics that last.
Colorcoat Prisma™ demonstrates a step change by utilising cutting edge th...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction>Used globally, supplied locally, our innovative construction products have inspired pioneering susta...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/metallic-coated>Tata Steel offers a wide choice of metallic coated steel.Our product line comprises forming and stru...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/products/coil-flat-sheet/prefinished-steel-cladding>Colorcoat™exterior pre-finished steel has been developed specifically to support the aesthetic and...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction>Used globally, supplied locally, our innovative construction products have inspired pioneering susta...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/download-centre/environmental-product-declarations>Asthe first steel manufacturer to become anapproved Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) programm...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/download-centre/environmental-product-declarations>Asthe first steel manufacturer to become anapproved Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) programm...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/services/digital-tools/tube>Developed to complement the original ‘Blue Book’ website, the new and innovative Celsius® Struc...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction>Used globally, supplied locally, our innovative construction products have inspired pioneering susta...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction>Used globally, supplied locally, our innovative construction products have inspired pioneering susta...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/case-studies>From essential structural building blocks to striking aesthetic features architects, engineers, cost...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/case-studies>From essential structural building blocks to striking aesthetic features architects, engineers, cost...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/case-studies>From essential structural building blocks to striking aesthetic features architects, engineers, cost...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/case-studies>From essential structural building blocks to striking aesthetic features architects, engineers, cost...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction>Used globally, supplied locally, our innovative construction products have inspired pioneering susta...</a>
<a href=/en-US/construction/contact-us>Contact Us</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/hot-rolled/high-strength-steel>Tata Steel’s hot-rolled high-strength, low-alloy (HSLA) grades offer formability and strength for ...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/hot-rolled/structural-steel>The guaranteed strength and good weldability of our hot-rolled structural steel help ensure ease of ...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/metallic-coated/steel-for-forming>Our cold-rolled forming steels are available in a wide range of grades and corrosion-resistant coati...</a>
<a href=/en-US/products/metallic-coated/high-strength-steel>Our range of metallic coated high-strength steels includes micro-alloyed and bake-hardening grades. ...</a>
<a href=/en-US/node/15391>Key products in the Automotive product portfolio
<a href=/en-US/node/73846>Wide, multi-productportfolio for a lowertotal cost of ownership.
<a href=/en-US/node/6521>
Tata Steel offers a wide, multi-product portfolio of strip, tubes and forging steels, including a ...</a>
<a href=/en-US/node/42941>
Many of our products and technical developments are focused around these key industry themes.
<a href=/en-US/node/60281>High quality data and expert advice to make your simulations easier to set up and more accurate.
<a href=/en-US/node/6426>We supply a wide range of proven tinplate products for applications including DWI cans, easy-open en...</a>
<a href=/en-US/packaging/products/protact>Protactlaminated steel is food-safe and optimised for efficient, sustainable canmaking with opportun...</a>
<a href=/en-US/node/6431>Well-proven in a range of applications, our tin-free packaging steel (ECCS) delivers reliable qualit...</a>
In North America and Mexico please contact:
T: +1 945-321-2279