Tata Steel ha creato un team di esperti per aiutare i clienti a ottenere il meglio da Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® e da Colorcoat Prisma®. Il team di Tata Steel potrà fornire consulenza, indicazioni o suggerimenti progettuali per telefono, per E-mail o di persona.
Il team “Repertoire® Colour Consultancy” può fornire consulenza sui colori e sulle strategie cromatiche utilizzando la gamma di tonalità standard, nonché discutere la possibilità di colori personalizzati su ordinazione. Tata Steel è in grado di realizzare quasi qualsiasi tonalità partendo da campioni fisici o da comuni sistemi di riferimento, come RAL, NCS e British Standard, con la possibilità di prendere anche in considerazione standard meno comuni.
Repertoire® va ben oltre la semplice offerta di un servizio di corrispondenza cromatica. Il nostro team di esperti può anche fornire un’ampia gamma di consulenze e indicazioni su:
- la scelta più appropriata di prodotti Colorocoat® per l’applicazione prevista;
- come risolvere possibili problemi di pianificazione adottando strategie cromatiche appropriate;
- reperimento di componenti complementari per completare un progetto;
- specifiche di prodotto, tempi di consegna e requisiti quantitativi dell’ordine.
Si prega di tenere presente che la quantità minima ordinabile è di 5000 m2 ed è disponibile solo nelle Zone 1 e 2.

Light Reflectance Value (LRV) values
The daylight reflectance (or Light Reflectance Value LRV) is effectively a percentage of visible light (380‐780 nm) reflected off the coated surface relative to the light impinging on the surface. Total daylight reflectance is the sum of both the specular (or gloss) reflection and diffuse reflection. The sum of both diffuse and specular (glossy) reflectance and is a measure of a particular colour’s ability to absorb or reflect visible light. Increasing or decreasing gloss will have little effect on LRV as its reduction in specular reflectivity is accompanied by a similar increase in diffuse reflectivity and vice versa.
Solar Reflective Index (SRI)
Solar Reflective Index (SRI) is the ability of a material to reflect solar energy from its surface. An expression which indicates the exterior steady state temperature of a roof relative to a white roof (100) and black roof (0). It is calculated according to ASTM E 1980 and is a complex expression that utilises measured values of TE and TSR and convective coefficients. Solar reflectivity or reflectance is the ability of a material to reflect solar energy from its surface back into the atmosphere, where the higher the SRI value the greater the ability of the colour to reflect the solar radiation.
Steady State Surface temperature (SSST)
Also same as “Roof Surface Temperature (°C) ASTM E1980”
The temperature of the surface, in °C, under the standard solar and ambient conditions calculated according to ASTM E 1980, Section 4.1.
Thermal Emissivity (TE)
The ability of material to release absorbed heat, expressed with a number between 0 and 1 (or 0 percent and 100 percent), also known as infrared emissivity. Uncoated metallic surfaces have a low infrared emissivity (<0.3). Most coatings have high emissivity between 0.85 and 0.9.
Total Solar Reflectivity (TSR)
The ability of a material to reflect sunlight in the ultra violet, visible and near infra-red regions. Expressed as the total amount of solar energy that is reflected from a surface relative to the total incoming solar energy and reported as either a percentage or on a scale of 0 to 1. Measured according to ASTM E903, ASTM C1549, ISO 22969. This is occasionally referred to as SR (Solar reflectance).
While companies in the Tata Steel Europe group take care in giving out information or advice, they do so only on the basis of the facts that may be supplied (and without further investigation of them) and do not accept any liability or responsibility for providing inaccurate, misleading or incomplete information or advice or any reliance which may be placed on such information or advice. Before relying on any information or advice which Tata Steel in Europe group companies may supply (whether in this communication or otherwise), the recipient should satisfy itself of the accuracy and appropriateness of that information or advice. Please note that the Tata Steel UK Limited’s General Conditions of Sale, which set out our liability to you, apply to all sales of products and services by Tata Steel UK Limited to the exclusion of any other terms that a customer seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing. The terms of the General Conditions of Sale may only be varied in writing by both parties. No information, advice or communication provided by Tata Steel Europe Limited or any of its subsidiaries to the recipient in response to a query (whether given in writing or orally) shall be deemed to vary the General Conditions of Sale."